Channelling growth
Dominic Carman recently met with Maples’ Jersey Head of Office, Nick Evans, and local partners – Simon Hopwood, Paul Burton, Mark Crichton, Tim Morgan and David Allen – to discuss the current Jersey market and the firm’s plans for future growth.
The Maples Group recently celebrated the fifth anniversary of its Jersey office which complements its British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Irish and Luxembourg legal offerings. Since September 2018, the office has (together with the complementary Jersey fiduciary services business) grown from two to a team of 45 lawyers and professionals, who advise on corporate, finance and investment funds work. The team also offers Jersey entity formation and corporate / administration service solutions and provides listing agent services for the listing of securities on The International Stock Exchange (TISE) in the Channel Islands.
Part of Maples’ growth in Jersey includes a newly created Jersey Trainee Solicitor Programme for which the first trainees – Emily Garton and Jacob Shenkin, who are both from Jersey – joined in October 2023.